what does it mean to have vivid dreams

You're well past the betoken in your life where you're scared of the nighttime. So why are you even so plagued by frightening nightmares—or just plainly bizarre dreams?

It's true that nightmares and agonizing dreams prove virtually common in young kids. But they plague enough of grown-ups, too: Up to 29% of us study having nightmares once a week, according to findings in the Periodical of Clinical Sleep Medicine.

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Experts know that dreams happen during REM slumber, the period of sleep when your brain is highly active. But they however tin't say for sure why we dream. Or just as important, what influences whether our dreams are arctic and happy (riding a horse on the beach—woohoo!) or strange and scary (running from a threatening figure through the woods—oh no!).

But when information technology comes to the content of those unpleasant dreams, there are plenty of theories.

v Surprising Factors That Can Crusade Weird Dreams

ane. You ate a huge, spicy meal for dinner.

Sure foods can bear upon how easily (or not) you drift off to dreamland. Just foods that cause a fitful night's slumber don't simply go out you tossing and turning. They might make for a crazy nighttime of dreams, as well.

Anecdotally, plenty of people report having weirdly vivid dreams afterward dining on something spicy or heavy. Some experts doubtable that this could be because fiery foods raise your trunk temperature, which can cause you lot to take worse sleep. If you're slightly more witting, you might exist more probable to remember your dreams more than clearly, Stanford University sleep expert Emmanuel Mignot told the Wall Street Journal.

Anytime your food inhibits deep sleep, such as large meat-heavy meals, you may be more likely to remember your zany dreams.
Anytime your nutrient inhibits deep sleep, such as large meat-heavy meals, you may exist more likely to call up your zany dreams.

Other experts chalk the effect up to meal size. The more you eat, the harder your body has to work to digest all of that food—a process that can make it harder to achieve restful slumber, University of Chicago psychiatrist Lisa Medalie told NBC News.

2. Yous're taking sleep supplements.

Popping a melatonin supplement might help you fall asleep more than easily. But it can also crusade yous to take super vivid dreams or nightmares.

In fact, ane minor study, published in Sleep and Hypnosis, found that college students (especially women) who took 6 mg melatonin before bed were more than likely to rate their dreams as bizarre compared to those who took a placebo pill.

Experts aren't entirely sure why, but it could be that melatonin leads to more intense REM cycles, which could kick your dreams into high gear. Instead, natural sleep aids are recommended over supplements like melatonin.

3. You're going off your meds.

Specifically, antidepressants. If you and your doctor decide that yous should cease taking them, lower your dose, or switch to another prescription, there's a practiced adventure that your dreams will be affected. Especially if you cipher the medications quickly instead of slowly tapering off.

This tends to happen because antidepressants piece of work past altering levels of neurotransmitters—or chemical messengers—in your encephalon. Stopping meds can affect how those neurotransmitters behave, which can effect in foreign or agonizing dreams, say from Harvard Health experts.

Thankfully, the weirdness should stop one time your body adjusts.

4. You binged on Tv set earlier bed.

Blue Light Influences Sleeping Experience
In addition to bluish-light disruption, the imagery from watching TV can influence your sleeping experience.

Sure, catching upward on your favorite shows might seem similar a not bad mode to unwind before turning in. But once you autumn comatose (which might accept a while, thanks to the blue lite emitted by your laptop or tablet), your dreams could be pretty foreign.

Studies on children discover that watching media earlier bed significantly ups the risk of nightmares. Some experts say that could exist because footling kids take trouble telling the departure betwixt what's real and what'southward imitation, and so the stuff on TV is more likely to scare them.

But adults might not be immune to what they see on the screen at night, either. In a British survey of ii,000 adults, over threescore% reported being more than probable to have bad dreams after watching a scary or gruesome show.

5. You're super stressed out.

At that place's no shortage of inquiry documenting the nightmare-inducing effects of posttraumatic stress disorder, and some findings gauge that 90% of people suffering from PTSD report having agonizing dreams.

Weird Dreams

Only even higher than normal levels of everyday stress might be enough to trigger nightmares in some people. Generally, research shows that anxiety and mood bug are linked to higher rates of nightmares.

In these cases, taking steps to improve manage your stress might exist all that you lot need to go on nightmares at bay. But if you're dealing with chronic nightmares, or your nightmares are impacting your power to get a restful night's slumber, talk with your medico.

Dreams Aren't the Just Sleep-Agonizing Culprit

Equally we covered above, plenty of factors can contribute to weird and uncomfortable dreams, ranging from stress to diet.

Nevertheless, there are even more things to consider when trying to get a better, deeper 8-hours of sleep each dark.

Virtually things you lot've probably heard of, such every bit limiting the corporeality of bluish light before bedtime to avoiding spicy foods and sugary or caffeinated drinks.

Still, the quality of your mattress matters as well. It isn't as common knowledge, but the all-time mattress for you lot could depend on your sleep style. For example, the best mattress for side sleepers tends to be a softer bed, equally the extra cushion helps contour to side sleepers' hips and shoulders.


Source: https://amerisleep.com/blog/5-reasons-why-youre-having-weird-dreams/

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