Kaneki I Dont Need Trip Cheap Girls Again

When the final chapter of "Tokyo Ghoul: re" was released the TG fandom was left divided. While some enjoyed the idea of a happy ending, others were less than enthused. Several plot threads from the series were left hanging. Additionally, while exposition was dumped to reveal the fates of modest and supporting characters, several major characters (Eto, Mr. Yoshimura, Amon, Akira, etc.) had their ultimate fates left unrevealed. Also, the sudden shift from the tragic ending of :re 178 to the rushed happy ending of :re 179 felt rather disjointed, and in 179 itself in that location are several things that either contradict each other or don't add up. I have gone through the evidence and come to a conclusion, and a number of others in the TG fandom have thought of this every bit well: :re 179 was simply Kaneki dreaming inside of Dragon.

I will explain the show in the chapter that justifies this, the literary reasons Ishida-sensei did this, and the direction the franchise may go in the future:


The Setup


Firstly, the narration states that Kaneki was saved by Ayato from drowning in the kagune fluids from the previous chapter. Yet, if we go back to :re 168 we see that:


As Kaneki and Ayato descended deeper into Dragon, the increasing levels of toxicity became such that Ayato had trouble making it downwards any farther. Here, we run into that the toxin is so concentrated that his kagune is breaking apart. So, assuming he defeated the Dragon Orphans here, how could he have descended any further downwards to where Kaneki was drowning? Even if he could:


Kaneki was drowning extremely deep in this fluid and information technology was flowing so quickly he couldn't swim out. So, if Kaneki couldn't get himself out of this, how could Ayato have gotten him out without drowning himself, much less carried him out of Dragon while its insides were collapsing all around them?  This is the main basis of this theory. Kaneki couldn't have fabricated information technology out, and then the concluding chapter must've been him dreaming within Dragon'southward depths. At present to the dream itself.


Tragōidia, the Greek give-and-take for tragedy, comes from the words meaning goat vocal. Why name the championship of a supposedly happy chapter after a tragedy?

Ever-lasting Disharmonize


Information technology'southward stated that the remaining oviducts connected to produce the "Dragon Orphans," merely despite this these two faceless individuals are just spooky on meridian of an oviduct even though new orphans could be spawned at any time and attack them? Likewise, why would these creatures be a mutual enemy of humans and ghouls? If we go back to chapter 164:


Furuta states that these creatures would but attack and devour humans and makes no mention of them eating ghouls. This is seemingly confirmed earlier in the chapter when:


Furuta, a half-ghoul, is continuing among a group of dragon orphans, but they pay him no listen. The merely dragon orphan that acknowledges him is the ane he tries to "interview." Afterward this orphan takes a swing at him, he goes back to ignoring him and eating corpses. Later in this chapter, Kaneki, Urie, and Saiko were set up upon by these creatures. However, Urie and Saiko are Quinx (not true half-ghouls), and thus would register as humans because their Kakuho are normally suppressed by their quinque frames. So, this again begs the question of why ghouls would join forces with humans against these creatures when these creatures don't target them?

Some other question is: why allow the oviducts to remain at all? In the concluding chapters the Goat-CCG alliance put all their efforts into finding and removing Kaneki, Dragon'due south nucleus, in lodge to eliminate the creature. Later, they eliminate Rize, the nucleus of the poisonous oviduct to endeavor and destroy it. So, why aren't they trying to discover and excerpt the nuclei of the other oviducts? This thought is fifty-fifty mentioned in affiliate 165:


They are trying to get rid of these oviducts equally speedily every bit possible. After all, why allow these oviducts to go on producing creatures that will impale civilians? The answer to both this question and the question of why ghouls would join humans in fighting these creatures is simple: Kaneki needed a common enemy for ghouls and humans to fight. In his fourth dimension trying to find a method for humans and ghouls to coexist, the only time this ever occurred was when the two groups united against the common threat of Dragon. And then, in his dream earth Kaneki has created a scenario in which the two groups are constantly fighting the Dragon's remnants together every bit a mutual enemy is the only way Kaneki knows how to bring peace between the 2 groups.

Tokyo Centric Unity

At present, on to the subject of the TSC:


The kickoff of chapter 179 states that after the final battle the CCG was disbanded. Furthermore, the officers of the new TSC are called "peacekeepers" rather than investigators. However, at the same time the chapter nonetheless makes references to the CCG existing outside of Tokyo, and people who transfer out of Tokyo are still chosen "investigators" rather than peacekeepers.


Despite the beginning of the affiliate proverb the CCG was disbanded afterward the boxing with Furuta, here information technology's shown that the CCG nonetheless functions in areas outside of Tokyo. This may be explained by the beginning saying only "Tokyo's" CCG was disbanded. However, when Shinohara recovers information technology states:


Here information technology simply states the CCG was dissolved in its entirety. Not just the Tokyo branch. So, why is Kaneki'due south dream and then insistent the CCG no longer exists in Tokyo only is apathetic that it exists exterior of the city? Throughout the serial, Kaneki has stated that he fights in order to protect his friends and those he loves. However, to others he gives no care. He even admits this while talking to Amon in chapter 119:


Here he admits that he only cares for those close to him, and that nigh of these shut ones simply "happened" to be ghouls. And, these ghouls were all located in the city of Tokyo. So, he doesn't care if the CCG operates as information technology ever has, but merely if information technology's not in Tokyo. Thus, while his listen envisioned happy ends for his ghoul friends inside the metropolis by having them piece of work with his human friends, ghouls either not close to him or outside of the city get the shaft. This is even alluded to in Kuramoto'due south console where it says he "deals with ghouls." This is representative of Kaneki's true feelings towards the Ghoul species overall.

Kaneki'southward True Feelings Towards Ghouls

While Kaneki cares for his ghoul friends, he doesn't hold their species in any regard. Throughout the series, on many of the occasions that he thinks or talks about the differences between humans and ghouls, he refers to humans as "people" and ghouls as "ghouls." After initially condign a one-eyed ghoul, Kaneki actively tried to forestall himself from killing anyone (human or ghoul). However, after being tortured by Jason he adopts a much more ruthless persona and begins killing his ghoul opponents. Nishiki is fifty-fifty surprised by this when Kaneki kills a group of Aogiri soldiers after defeating Jason.


This continues in the post-obit months where he kills and cannibalizes ghouls in order to increase his ain power. All the same, he never shows this same level of ruthlessness towards his man opponents. He even so tries to forestall himself from killing them, and at most but disarms them. He doesn't view humans and ghouls dissimilar based on their biology, but based on which is a "person," and most ghouls don't autumn in this category to him.

This hypocrisy of willingly killing ghouls while abnegation from killing humans never truly leaves Kaneki. This is axiomatic after his terminal battle with Amon in the original serial, where he begs him not to die.


He despairs at the thought of killing a human like Amon, even though he's already killed dozens of ghouls. Even afterwards becoming the I-Eyed Male monarch and forming Goat in the sequel, this mental attitude doesn't change. The organisation's kickoff mission is to aid the CCG in killing members of the Clowns (fellow ghouls), and simultaneously Kaneki risks his best fighters to raid the CCG laboratory to retrieve RC suppressants in club to relieve Akira (a ghoul investigator who wishes to eradicate the ghoul species). After when his group arrives at the lab, he risks the entire mission in order to confront Amon but considering Amon saw him as a "person."


Subsequently, when Furuta begins using the Oggai against Goat, Kaneki still refrains from any confrontations with the CCG that would upshot in human being casualties. This results in Goat being forced hugger-mugger into the 24th ward, and the arrangement slowly begins to starve. Even near the border of ruin Kaneki continues to assert that they must non kill humans.


Information technology'south only when Furuta attacks their base and he is most to lose everything that he finally breaks this rule past eating the Oggai in gild to heal himself. This results in him becoming the Dragon and ravaging the surface (resulting in countless human being deaths). You lot would call back that later staining his hands with the claret of both humans and ghouls that he would finally view the ii species equally, just yous would be wrong. In Kaneki's concluding battle with Furuta, after he declares he will defeat Furuta he will protect everyone, he states:


Here, he withal refers to humans as "people," simply not ghouls (implying that he still doesn't see ghouls overall as "people.") Also, the way he says "ghouls, likewise" shows he still views them every bit secondary to humans. This attitude is axiomatic in his dream chapter (:re 179) as the actions undertaken past several characters are biased towards human being do good (every bit opposed to equal benefit betwixt the two species):


Hither, for some reason Takizawa is hunting renegade ghouls even though information technology goes against his previous character development. During his battle with Amon in affiliate 115, Takizawa in his inner monologue states he has decided to be a ghoul.


Afterward he completed his first mission for Goat, Takizawa said he was going to go off own his and live normally as a ghoul. In chapter 145, we even see a silhouette of him hunting humans.


So, why at the end of the story is he hunting ghouls who set on humans when that's exactly what he'due south called to do, and that's what he's been doing? Also, why are he and Hakatori both all alone when they joined with Amon in chapter 178?


Kaneki was in the oviduct when they joined forces with Amon, and so he wouldn't have known. Therefore, in his dream he has both them and Kurona lonely in the end. Also, the actions he has them perform (fighting ghouls who attack humans, sheltering ghouls who can't fit into human gild, etc.) are what he thinks they should do to atone for their past misdeeds. Because Kaneki doesn't view humans and ghouls equally equal, they aren't equal in his dream. Rather than both sides coming together and creating a new world, ghouls only acclimate to the homo globe. Those that are either unable or unwilling to do then are shunned and killed every bit ghouls always have been. So, for many this world hasn't changed at all. This is Kaneki's happy ending. His dream simply extends the benefits of peace to humans and his loved ones.


Whew. And then far, I've discussed all the inconsistences regarding the overall themes of this chapter. For finishing the testify, I will merely go over small inconsistencies and errors in this chapter.


What happened to Hide's scarred throat and face up? In this chapter is stated that ghouls accept started being researched for medical purposes. Thus, this could be the reason Hide has healed, simply if this is the instance why is he all the same wearing that mask?


In Fura'south console, he calls his wife "Maki." Even so, the "Tokyo Ghoul: Jack" series stated her first name was "Aki." At kickoff, I thought this might be a translation error, only then I looked at the raw and it indeed gave the characters for the name "Maki." This is likely due to Kaneki either mishearing her name or not truly caring to remember it from when he was colleagues with Fura.


If Kanou had stabilizers they could use to prolong their lives, why did they piece of work for him as long as they did? Why non steal these stabilizers equally soon as possible?


It took me a while to effigy this out, but why would Urie have to search for Shirazu'due south body at all? Kimi and Kanou's other administration worked with Dr. Kanou on everything, and and then they would undoubtedly know where Shirazu'south torso is. Why not just enquire them? Also, why place Shirazu'due south body in the cemetery for the CCG's "heroes" later on the revelation in affiliate 175?


Then, the graveyard for CCG investigators was empty. Why would they could continue to maintain an empty cemetery, and why would they identify Shirazu's body there when it was just a identify for the Washuus to gather food? Kaneki wasn't present when this information was revealed in chapter 175, and thus didn't know.


Next, nosotros have Naki'south henchman Hooguro. The epilogue states he married a human girl in the ghoul fashion, but this requires bitemarks. How could an ordinary human bite with enough strength to permanently mark a ghoul (whose pare is super hard). They could us an rc suppressant for this, but after information technology wore off he should have healed.


Then, there's Ayato who commands operations "at high altitudes." Are in that location Dragon Orphans who can fly?


This was the near obvious example that something was off. Correct before the Dragon arc we saw that Kuroiwa was stabbed through the side of the cervix in a way that would be a decease judgement. Indeed, we encounter him stop breathing and die. Notwithstanding, Kaneki may only have heard that Kuroiwa was stabbed, not that he was killed. Since he didn't see Kuroiwa, he would take assumed that he was injured and thus would recover. Notwithstanding, another matter to notice is Kuroiwa's wife. Here she is depicted as having long, light-colored hair. Even so, when we saw her at Takeomi and Yoriko's hymeneals:


She is shown to take brusk, dark hair. Kaneki probably never actually met Kuroiwa'south wife, and so in his dream he created a vague mental imagery of her.


Finally, there's her. On Amino Apps someone did a translation of Ichika Kaneki'due south character contour, and i usual aspect was missing: a birthdate. Practically every volume character contour gives the character's birthday. Touka calculated her due appointment to be 12/28 but calculating this can exist inaccurate. Fifty-fifty if it was accurate, why not still put it in her contour? It seems to exist Ishida giving us a subtle hint that she hasn't really been born. Another thing is: why would Kaneki and Touka (who are genetically nighttime-haired) have a white-haired child? Indeed, with her sesame pudding pilus and left kakugan she appears as a carbon re-create of someone we already know: Haise Sasaki. Haise was Kaneki'due south dream of human happiness where he is surrounded by those who love and cherish him. In the same manner that she is surrounded by people who beloved and cherish her at the end of the chapter.

                                             Literary Reasons

At present that I have gone over all the evidence implicating the concluding chapter as a dream, I volition hash out Ishida's likely reasons for making it this way. Throughout the original and :re, references are made about a number of literary works. The almost commonly referred to work is Franz Kafka'due south "Metamorphosis," but another piece of work referenced is Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

In the sequel "Through the Looking Glass" Alice is transported to a new globe where she is caught in the middle of a chess battle between white and red sides. In the original story, Kaneki learned of the ghoul world. In the sequel, he is originally a ghoul investigator and must pick which side he will ultimately be on. In Tokyo Ghoul, the white side is composed of humans (as shown past the white coats of the CCG), and the blood-red side is composed of ghouls (as shown by the ruby robes of the Aogiri Tree).


There is also a chessboard theme that is repeatedly shown throughout the manga, and this represents the characters who are pieces in the game. Furthermore, in identify of the tea party from the Alice novels, coffee is instead used for the theme of eating.


Finally, several ghoul characters article of clothing animal themed masks that represent the animals from the Alice serial. Touka's mask represents the White Rabbit, Nishio's serpent mask represents Bill the Lizard, Ayato'due south mask represents the March Hare, Koma's mask represents Pat the Monkey, and Irimi's mask represent the Puppy.

Now that nosotros established the parallel, I shall get to the point: the Scarlet Rex. In "Through the Looking Glass" the king of the red pieces is sleeping throughout the game. Different characters believe that Alice herself is office of the Carmine King's dream and that she will disappear if he awakes. At the terminate of the story, she questions if this was indeed the case. And then, the same thing applies hither. At the end of :re, we are left wondering to ourselves if the ending was a dream.

                          Ishida's Personal Reasons and the Future

Now, why exactly would Ishida-sensei cease things on a dream chapter you lot might say (aside from literally reasons) and just quit the series he's worked on for and then long when there are all the same many plot points left unanswered? Well, in interviews done after :re's ending Ishida says that he has been working himself almost non-stop since the second half of the original serial, and this has led to issues with his health. If he had shown Kaneki still trapped in Dragon, people would take demanded he brand a third and final part (which he is in no status to do).

However, in ane interview he states that he now "hates" working later doing it and then hard for and then long now, and that there "probably" wouldn't be any more sequels. He needs time to rest and recuperate. Yet, him saying "probably" still leaves open the option for a final part. Once he fully recovers, he could reveal the finale of :re to be a dream and then keep the series. As to whether or not he actually will, I…..


I believe he volition return to our identify, Tokyo Ghoul.


Source: https://superryunosukeyuki.tumblr.com/post/181279417006/re-179-was-simply-kaneki-dreaming

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